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How to Teach Your Baby to Survival Swim

The complete program to give your child the skills to survive, and thrive, in water. The How to Teach Your Baby to Survival Swim program is filled with easy-to-follow videos and expert tips & tools to guide you every step of the way!


How to Teach Your Baby to Survival Swim

The complete program to give your child the skills to survive an aquatic accident and thrive in water.

The How to Teach Your Baby to Survival Swim program is filled with easy-to-follow videos and expert tips & tools to guide you every step of the way!


Psst... Does this sound like you?


Are you plagued with ENDLESS WORRY about your child's safety near water? Do you want to give them the ability to swim and survive in an AQUATIC EMERGENCY? It’s time to breathe a sigh of relief because I have the solution just for you.

Introducing the HOW TO TEACH YOUR BABY TO SURVIVAL SWIM program – the answer to your worries. Say goodbye to sleepless nights filled with anxiety and hello to a future where your child has the skills they need to stay safe.

With our comprehensive online program, YOU can teach your own child to survival swim, eliminating the need for expensive lessons or relying on others for their safety. Picture the relief you'll feel knowing that your child has the skills to save themselves in an aquatic accident. It's time to turn that dream into a reality.

With our expert guidance, you will have the tools and techniques you need to teach your child to swim and survive in the water. Whether your little one has never been in the pool yet, or your child loves the water, our program is right for you!

And here's the BEST part – our program is designed to be incredibly easy to follow. With our step-by-step instructions and engaging videos, you'll be able to navigate the content with ease and implement the techniques right away. There's no need to spend endless hours searching for information or feeling overwhelmed. We've done the hard work for you.

Don't let fear paralyze you any longer. Seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to provide your child with the LIFE-SAVING SKILLS they deserve. Join the HOW TO TEACH YOUR BABY TO SURVIVAL SWIM program today and unlock a world of joy, safety, and peace of mind.

Take the plunge. Your child's safety is worth it.

Click below to get started NOW!



Psst... Does this sound like you?

Are you plagued with ENDLESS ANXIETY about your child's safety near water? Do you want to give them the ability to survive an AQUATIC EMERGENCY?

It’s time to breathe a sigh of relief because I have the solution just for you.

Introducing the HOW TO TEACH YOUR BABY TO SURVIVAL SWIM program – the answer to your worries.

Say goodbye to sleepless nights filled with ANXIETY and hello to a future where your child has the skills they need to stay safe.

Picture the RELIEF you'll feel knowing that your child has the skills to save themselves in an aquatic accident.

It's time to turn that dream into a reality.

With our expert guidance, you will have the tools and techniques you need to teach your child to swim and survive in the water. 

Don't let fear paralyze you any longer.

Join the HOW TO TEACH YOUR BABY TO SURVIVAL SWIM program today and unlock a world of joy, safety, and peace of mind.

Take the plunge...

Your child's safety is worth it.

Click below to get started NOW!




A gentle introduction to water with playful above-water activities so your child can learn the feel of the water and learn their body's buoyancy.

Baby learns to swim in side prone-hold position in pool
A gentle introduction to water with playful above-water activities so your child can learn the feel of the water and learn their body's buoyancy.
Baby swimming underwater while holding onto Mom's hand


Introduces your child to very short submersions and practice physical and verbal cues.

Introduces your child to very short submersions and practice physical and verbal cues.


Your child will learn how to kick and paddle to propel themselves through the water, in the most efficient way.

child swimming underwater
Your child will learn how to kick and paddle to propel themselves through the water, in the most efficient way.
Baby floating in a large pool


Gently acclimatize your child to the float position and how to adjust their body to hold it independently.

Gently acclimatize your child to the float position and how to adjust their body to hold it independently.


Help your child find the float from a disorienting entry with your constant guidance and support. 

Baby floating in water
Help your child find the float from a disorienting entry with your constant guidance and support. 
Baby swimming underwater


Your child will learn how to turn from a float position & swim. Then turn back into a float to get a breath. Once they have a breath, they can turn back over to swim again!

Your child will learn how to turn from a float position & swim. Then turn back into a float to get a breath. Once they have a breath, they can turn back over to swim again!


Help your child go from 'vulnerable around water' to 'prepared with life-saving skills',
sign up TODAY.



when you sign up during this limited time period:


when you sign up now:

The Fundamental Tools

What You Will Need for Lessons
How to Safely Submerge your Child using the 7-Second Rule
Why Burp Breaks are Needed, plus How to do Them Effectively.
How to Give Physical and Verbal Cues

Laying The Foundation

The (Secret) Progression Formula so You Know When to Move Up.
How to Hold Your Lessons to Suit Your Child
The Schedule for FAST Success.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Water Safety – this might surprise you!
How to Build a Simple & Cheap Grab Rail/Monkey Bar.

The Fundamental Tools

What You Will Need for Lessons
How to Safely Submerge your Child using the 7-Second Rule
Why Burp Breaks are Needed, plus How to do Them Effectively.
How to Give Physical and Verbal Cues

Laying The Foundation

The (Secret) Progression Formula so You Know When to Move Up.
How to Hold Your Lessons to Suit Your Child
The Schedule for FAST Success.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Water Safety – this might surprise you!
How to Build a Simple & Cheap Grab Rail/Monkey Bar.

The Fundamental Tools

What You Will Need for Lessons
How to Safely Submerge your Child using the 7-Second Rule
Why Burp Breaks are Needed,
plus How to do Them Effectively.
How to Give Physical and Verbal Cues

Laying The Foundation

The (Secret) Progression Formula
so You Know When to Move Up.
How to Hold Your Lessons
to Suit Your Child
The Schedule for FAST Success.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Water Safety – this might surprise you!
How to Build your own
Grab Rail/Monkey Bar.

These BONUSES to help you have successful lessons

The 6 L.A.Y.E.R.S. of Protection Needed to Keep Your Child Safe Around Water

It takes more than just barriers and supervision to protect your child from the dangers of water, here we'll share all 6 so your child will be safe during and after lessons.

Milestone Checklists to Help You Along The Way 

We help you each step of the way by showing you exactly what to do next!

These BONUSES to help you have successful lessons

The 6 L.A.Y.E.R.S. of Protection Needed to Keep Your Child Safe Around Water

It takes more than just barriers and supervision to protect your child from the dangers of water, here we'll share all 6 so your child will be safe during and after lessons.

Milestone Checklists to Help You Along The Way 

We help you each step of the way by showing you exactly what to do next!
"I am a swim teacher of 15 years. I have learnt so much that I have been able to include into my lessons. They gain the confidence so much quicker than my previous teaching process."
- Swim Teacher

So... Any Questions?
Here's some answers for you!

Let's mark you down as a “YES!” to start teaching your child to Survival Swim giving them the invaluable techniques to save themselves should the unthinkable happen!


Because when you sign up for the How to Teach Your Baby to Survival Swim and start enjoying the Activities with your child in the pool, you’ll experience the magic of watching simple step-by-step action turn into an immeasurable love and ability in the water - PLUS an essential life skill!


The best time to teach your child to survive water was yesterday. The next best time is today.


Accidents can happen any time of year so don't wait until the height of summer to give your child life-saving skills. 

Water is the greatest danger to your child's life and it doesn't wait for the weather. Give the one layer of protection that can help them wherever they go, whatever the season.

I don’t want you to look back in 6 or even 12 months from now wondering what could’ve been if you only took action.

I want you to be proud as you play with your child in the water knowing you helped your child gain these incredible life-saving abilities... And I want you to thank yourself for the decision you made today.


ALL my best,