We're the Waterbaby Family!


And if you landed here, you're probably a parent too.

We understand the anxiety of having a child who can't swim.

That's why we are passionate about
sharing our knowledge with YOU!



We're the Waterbaby Family!


And if you landed here, you're probably a parent too.
We understand the anxiety of having a child who can't swim.
That's why we are passionate about
sharing our knowledge with YOU!



I've been where you are...


As a Mom of 3 little boys, I understand the FULL emotions you feel as you hold your baby close for the first time, and want to protect them with every ounce of your being.

You find out the greatest danger to their life isn’t tiny objects or loose furniture, but simply, water.

So when you’re 'Bundle of Joy' becomes your 'Little Adventurer' and is toddling around, you empty buckets and bathtubs...

You tell your baby the dangers of water & to never enter the pool area without you...

knowing, full well, they COULD one day get over the gate if they REALLY wanted to.


I've been where you are...


As you hold your baby close for the first time, you feel the FULL emotions of wanting to protect them with every ounce of your being.

You find out the greatest danger to their life isn’t tiny objects or loose furniture, but simply, water.

So when you’re 'Bundle of Joy' becomes your 'Little Adventurer' and is toddling around, you empty buckets and bathtubs...

You tell your baby the dangers of water & to never enter the pool area without you...

knowing, full well, they COULD one day get over the gate if they REALLY wanted to.


I know the anxiety...


Perhaps you try baby water-play in the pool, and sure, you want your child to enjoy the water, but even more importantly, you want them to have the skills to survive if they ever fell in.

You see in the news, again, a toddler the same age as yours reached water when they weren’t even meant to be near it, and wonder to yourself if those parents felt the same as you have- it could never happen to MY child!

You hear the repeated lines of,

‘I only took my eyes off them for a moment...'

Your anxiety reaches new levels as you wonder 'What if they reach water and I am not there to help?'

I know the anxiety...


Perhaps you try baby water-play in the pool, and sure, you want your child to enjoy the water, but even more importantly, you want them to have the skills to survive if they ever fell in.

You see in the news, again, a toddler the same age as yours reached water when they weren’t even meant to be near it, and wonder to yourself if those parents felt the same as you have- it could never happen to MY child!

You hear the repeated lines of,

‘I only took my eyes off them for a moment...'

Your anxiety reaches new levels as you wonder 'What if they reach water and I am not there to help?'

I wanted a solution too...


I’ve been where you are, feeling those scary emotions…

Thankfully, this isn’t the end of the story!

I too wanted to protect my child from the dangers of water and, like you, would do anything to make that happen.

And I knew the ULTIMATE way…

The answer was Survival Swimming!


I wanted a solution too...


I’ve been where you are, feeling those scary emotions…

Thankfully, this isn’t the end of the story!

I too wanted to protect my child from the dangers of water and, like you, would do anything to make that happen.

And I found the ULTIMATE way…

The answer was Survival Swimming!

I want to share it with you...


As a Survival Swim Specialist, I saw the joy & comfort a parent brings to the lessons and the benefits of children learning through play in a loving environment, so we created this unique program to empower YOU with the skills to teach your own child to Survival Swim.


I want to share it with you...


Seeing the great need worldwide for the skills we had developed, the benefits of children learning through play, and the joy & comfort a parent brings to the lessons, we created this unique program to empower YOU with the skills to teach your own child to Survival Swim.


You can do it too!

You can teach your child how to Survival Swim the fun and playful way as we guide you every step of the way!

I want to teach my child!